A Risky Ride : Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather

This post was co-authored by Jeremy Hoffman

Floyd Mayweather is the world’s greatest boxer, one of the most recognizable athletes, and according to Forbes is the world’s highest paid athlete. Mostly described as cocky and arrogant, Mayweather’s pedigree in his sport in undeniable. He is a bettor’s nightmare, as Vegas refuses to give his fights any bettor friendly odds. So how does a man like Mayweather choose to spend his free time? Mostly buying cars and gambling on sports, other than his own. Taking a look at his twitter profile it becomes clear he has a passion for spending his money on the world’s most expensive cars and placing high risk bets on sporting events. Mayweather’s personality is often questioned, and his lifestyle is often frowned upon. Like the man or not, when you are worth $280 Million it’s pretty easy to blow your money on cars and betting.

Floyd Mayweather, as a boxer, is arguably the greatest defensive fighter of all time. As a sport better, defensive is the opposite word to describe him. Living in Vegas, Mayweather is a constant at the many casinos sportsbooks. Often placing bets upwards of $1 million. This is another reason many dislike the champion boxer. Mayweather often posts pictures of his winning bet slips on his twitter page, causing discussion for his lack of restraint with his money. He has had his share of legal issues, including failure to pay child support, and filing for bankruptcy, causing many to feel his gambling is irresponsible. Often getting grief for never putting his losing slips on the internet, Mayweather claimed for years to have never lost a bet, many times saying his betting record matched in boxing record, undefeated. The truth is, with his frequency in Vegas Casinos he has obviously lost a few bets. Dermot Hunt, a professional poker player, followed Mayweather’s tweets about gambling for two years. Click here to see Hunt’s article, stating the many high priced bets Mayweather placed, and what games he placed them on. With his history of legal troubles, and his successful career coming to an end, maybe it’s not the smartest idea to risk $8.4 million on the Super Bowl (he lost). The man has a passion, and he’s not afraid to show the world. When you have the money, why not risk it and try to make more. This is one of the many reasons people dislike Floyd Mayweather. This is one of the many reasons I LOVE Floyd Mayweather. He is a degenerate gambler just like me. He doesn’t care who wins, but rather that they covered the spread. If I was worth over $200 million at least half of that would go to sports betting. Like the guy or not, he’s one of the greatest boxers of all time, he’s worth more money than you, and he’s not afraid to risk a few million to make a casual Sunday football game way more exciting.

And he is not someone that seeks thrill and enjoyment only in his sports life. Outside that world, he also has the hobby of buying the world’s most exciting and expensive cars. Mayweather not only has the world’s most expensive cars he has multiple versions of them. He is certainly not like many other celebrities or millionaires and this is why. He not only has multiple versions of expensive cars, he has color coordinated them. With 14 Rolls Royce’s, Buggati’s, Bentley’s, Lamborghini’s, Mercedes, Maybach’s and Ferrari’s, what else could he do other than make them his own? His unique set of white cars in Miami and set of black cars in Vegas helps his followers know where he’s at. His insane sports life definitely matches his set of garages with 88 cars! Just like his posts on twitter regarding his bets he models with his own cars; when he has so much he needs to show it. Just to let the people around him know he is near he has ‘Money Mayweather’ stamped on the back of most of his cars. He is like no other person on this planet; he is more than just a boxer, a gambler or a car enthusiast. Tony Manfred from the Business Insider explains this more clearly through a series of pictures.

Floyd Mayweather has a great gift, which is to box, but he has an even greater talent which is spending money. Whether it is in the casinos in Vegas or creating a lavish life of luxury, he is definitely doing it well. This man has eyes all over his boxing career, cars and most importantly, his money because in the end he spends it like an art.

Hatchback Series : Volkswagen Golf GTI


Here is the EVO review of the Volkswagen Golf GTI Mark 7. Volkswagen is massive company, owning big manufacturers such as Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini, Audi the list goes on. The significant feature of Volkswagen is that, other than being funded by Adolf Hitler at one point, it was the manufacturer to bring the hatchback into fashion. You could say Volkswagen is the Mercedes Benz of hatchbacks. So with such a esteemed name how does the Golf GTI attract drivers and why would you want to buy a hatchback instead of a similar functioning sedan?

Well to start off, what makes a hatchback different from a sedan? Firstly, we have the short length due to the almost flat back or trunk of every hatchback. Apart from that, hatchbacks are usually lighter, fuel efficient, small, compact and nimble creatures. Obviously when looking at a hatchback you are not thinking about your family… unless you are a family of clowns from a carnival. They usually are not made to accommodate families or store things.

So what about Volkswagen? Volkswagen has related the Golf GTI hatchback to the everyday sports car. You must be thinking sports car everyday? Well yes, the Golf GTI is 2.0L engine with 210 horsepower and most importantly it is turbo charged giving it that extra kicky feeling. Thank God. Along with that, which is already good enough, the Volkswagen has great spacious interior and classy interior and exterior trim. It can comfortably fit in 4 adults and still have space for a little one. It has just under 23 cubic feet cargo space, which more than enough considering no-one buys a hatchback for storage space.

So the Golf GTI has pretty much leveled with most sporty sedans. But, what makes it the Mercedes of hatchbacks is its interior features and facilities. The US News & World Report has given the VW Golf GTI the number one rank for interior. Since we know that hatchbacks are usually for the youngster with friends rather than the father with his family, what makes it more suited to the young thrill addict? Apart from the turbo charged engine, the Golf GTI comes with a standard, I repeat standard, Bluetooth, touch-screen information system, satellite radio, iPod adapter and a great audio system. As a youngster you need that banging sound system and fast pick up with the lads to have fun of course.

Overall the Volkswagen Golf GTI isn’t the fastest, most luxurious car but that not what we’re looking for. Its a hatchback, cheaper and faster than most sedans due to size and has the fairly luxurious interior element like a Benz.

What else could you ask for?